ODI Slovenia has been serving clients doing business in Slovenia since 2005. Our experienced Slovenian lawyers provide services to both local and foreign entities, advising in particular in M&A, corporate restructuring, banking and finance, dispute resolution and real estate.
Contact information
T +386 (0)59 086 600
F +386 (0)59 086 609
Gosposvetska cesta 11, 1000 Ljubljana
Key Contacts

Uroš Ilić
Managing Partner
ODI Slovenia has been serving clients doing business in Slovenia since 2005. Our experienced Slovenian lawyers provide services to both local and foreign entities, advising in particular in M&A, corporate restructuring, banking and finance, dispute resolution and real estate.
Contact information
T +386 (0)59 086 600
F +386 (0)59 086 609
Davčna ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Key Contacts

Uroš Ilić
Managing Partner