Uroš Ilić
Uroš Ilić
Managing Partner
+386 (0) 590 86 604 / +386 (0) 41 352 534
Banking and Finance
Corporate / M&A
Dispute Resolution
Restructuring and Insolvency
- Certificate of competence to perform the function of a member of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board (2017)
- Professional representative before the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) in trade mark matters (2013)
- Arbitrator at the Permanent Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (2012)
- Attorney-at-Law specialist in insolvency law (2010)
- Attorney-at-Law specialist in corporate law (2010)
- Registered Trademark and Design Attorney licensed to act in front of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office in proceedings relating to the acquisition and maintenance of industrial designs, trademarks and geographical indications and other requests concerning such rights (2006)
- Attorney-at-Law (2005)
- Insolvency Trustee/Bankruptcy Manager (2004-2014)
English / Slovenian / Croatian / Serbian
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board Perutnina Ptuj d.d. (February 2019 – December 2019)
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Port of Koper (2017)
- Committee Member and Examiner for the Insolvency Administrator Exam in Insolvency Law (2017)
- Slovenian Consular Council (2016)
- Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Belgium to the Republic of Slovenia (2015)
- International insolvency law committee member, IR Global (2016)
- Co-founder and vice-president at Turnaround Management Association, Chapter Slovenia (2015)
- International Bar Association (2014)
- Arbitrator at Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (2012)
- Examiner for the Slovenian Bar Exam in Corporate Law (2009)
- Slovenian Bar Association (2000), President of the Chamber of Attorney-at-Law Candidates (2003-2005)
- Leading lawyer in Slovenia in the field of Corporate & Commercial Law, including restructuring and insolvency (Chambers & Partners, 2015-2017)
- Recognized practitioner in Slovenia in the field of Banking and Finance (Chambers & Partners, 2016-2017)
- Leading lawyer in Slovenia in the field of Restructuring and Insolvency Law (IFLR 1000, 2015-2018)
- Ranked lawyer in Slovenia in the field of Corporate and M&A (Legal 500, 2014-2017)
- Graduated “Cum laude” (2000)
- Founder and Managing Partner, ODI Law Firm (2005)
- Senior Associate, Zupan & Martelanc, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2003-2005)
- Judical Trainee, Ljubljana Higher Court, Slovenia (2001-2003)
- Associate, Zupan & Martelanc, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2000-2001)
- The University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law; Master of Laws in Corporate Law (2001-2008)
- Exam for Trustees/Bankruptcy Managers in insolvency court proceedings (2003)
- Slovenian Bar Exam (2003)
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law; Bachelor of Laws (1995-2000)
- University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law; Exchange program (1999-2000)
- Banking and Finance: Slovenia -Trends & Developments, Chambers Global Practice Guides 2018, co-author.
- Avoiding the Voidable: Assessing global insolvency practices and processes, IR Global Insolvency 2017 Virtual Series (online), 21 August 2017, co-author.
- ODI’s Inside Perspective on the SEE Markets, CEE Legal Matters Magazine Special Issue, January 2017, Pg. 10-11.
- Capital Markets in Slovenia – Early Signs of a Modest Recovery, CEE Legal Matters (online), 4 January 2017, co-author.
- Banking and Finance: Slovenia -Trends & Developments, Chambers Global Practice Guides 2017, co-author.
- Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Winding-up Act with the amendment ZFPPIPP-G, Odvetnik, Year XVIII, Nr. 5 (78) – winter 2016, Pg 69.
- Takeovers (M&A) in bankruptcy proceedings, Pravna praksa, Nr. 29-30, July 21th 2016, appendix, co-author.
- New Insolvency Regulations on Horizon, CEE Legal Matters (online), 27 April 2016, co-author.
- NPL transactions, DIP/Dnevi insolvenčnega prava 2016, March 2016, Pg. 81-102, co-author.
- Sunny Adriatic Legal Market, CEE Summit Expert Essays, CEE Legal Matters Magazine Special Issue, January 2016, Pg.12-14.
- The Balkans – Once again Europe`s hot spot, Guest editorial, CEE Legal Matters Magazine, Issue 6, December 2015, Pg.4.
- Banking in Slovenia, Banking/Finance expert review, CEE Legal Matters Magazine, Issue 6, December 2015, Pg. 77-78, co-author.
- Takeovers (M&A) in bankruptcy proceedings, Journal Current Issues of Incolvency Law, 2015, Pg. 43-61, co-author.
- Doing Business 2016: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency, World Bank Group publication; Registering Property, Pg. 78-83, Enforcing Contracts, Pg. 91-99, October 2015, co-author.
- Banking and Finance: Slovenia – Trends & Developments, Chambers Global Practice Guides 2016, co-author.
- The Amendment Act to the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act (ZFPPIPP-F), Pravna praksa, Nr. 13/2014, April 3rd 2014, Pg. 30-31.
- Conflict of interest of Supervisory Boards’ Members due to Competition Clause, Pravna praksa, Nr. 1, January 9th 2014, appendix, co-author.
- Bank Guarantees in Insolvency Procedure, Company and Labour, Nr. 8/2013, Pg. 1298-1319, co-author.
- Takeover of insolvency target with an extrajudicial financial restructuring, Company and Labour, Nr. 6-7/2013, Pg. 1242-1255.
- Financial restructure of systemically important companies, Pravna praksa, Nr. 34, Sep. 5th 2013, Pg. 3.
- Hostile takeover of insolvency debtor, Odvetnik, Year XV, Nr. 3 (61), July 2013, Pg. 19-23.
- The Amendment Act to the Companies Act (ZGD-E) – at the discretion of the Constitutional Court, Pravna praksa, Nr. 22, June 6th 2013, Pg. 6-9.
- The Amendment Act to the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act (ZFPPIPP-E) – Second attempt, Pravna praksa, Nr. 16-17, April 25th 2013, Pg. 3.
- Shareholders vs. Creditors, Pravna praksa, Nr. 13/2013, April 4th 2013, appendix, co-author.
- The creditors’ takeover of the control over the debtor in the compulsory settlement, Sixth Days of Insolvency Law, March 2013, Pg. 17-30.
- Companies Act with amendments ZDG-1D to ZGD-1G, Pravna praksa, Nr. 43/2012, Nov. 8th 2012, Pg. 30-31.
- Takeover of healthy cores, Pravna praksa, Nr. 15/2012, April 19th 2012, appendix.
- Creditor’s claims in compliance with ZFPPIPP, Odvetnik, 1. XIV, Nr. 1 (55) – April 2012, Pg. 29-32.
- Enforcement of Exclusion Rights out of Court Proceedings, Legal Yearbook 2011, Institute for Comparative Law, Ljubljana 2011, Pg. 109-130.
- Creditors’ Board, Fourth Days of Insolvency Law, GV Planet 2011, Pg. 31-38.
- Liability in Damages of Management Board and Supervisory Board Members under Insolvency Laws, Fourth Days of Insolvency Law, GV Planet 2011, Pg. 20-30.
- Corporate Crime from an Attorney’s Perspective, Corporate Crime – Practical and Theoretical Aspects, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Ljubljana 2009, Pg. (79)-89.
- Attorney’s Active Engagement in Acts of Corporate Crime, Odvetnik, 11, No.1 (April 2009), Pg. 4-6.
- Bankruptcy Proceedings over Creditor’s Assets Located in Different EU Member States, Journal Second Days of Insolvency Law, GV Planet 2009.
- Due Diligence of Management and Supervisory Boards’ Members, Journal First Conference in Criminal Law and Criminology, GV Založba, 2008.
- Law on Financial Operations, Insolvency and Compulsory Composition Proceedings, Pravna praksa, Nr. 40-41/2008, October 17th 2008, Pg. 40-41.
- Damages in Bankruptcy Law, Pravna praksa, Nr. 38-39/2008, October 2nd 2008, appendix, Pg.. V-VII.
- Liability of Managers Towards Creditors of a Debtor in Bankruptcy Proceedings – Procedural Aspects, Pravna praksa, Nr. 33/2008, August 28th 2008, appendix, Pg. II-VIII.
- Diligence of (Concealed) Managers – Tightened Regulations Overlooked, Pravna praksa, Nr. 27/2008, July 10th 2008, appendix, Pg. II-VIII.
- Attorney-at-Law Profession – Corporate Forms – Attorneys-at-Law Ltd./d. o. o., Odvetnik Nr. 39/2008, June 2nd 2008, Pg. 4-7, re-printed in Odvetnik Nr. 9-10, Pg. 50-54.
- Bankruptcy of an Attorney-at-Law de lege lata and de lege ferenda, Pravna praksa, Nr. 15, April 17th 2008, appendix, Pg. II-VII.
- Unlawful Conduct of Management and Supervisory Boards’ Members of an Insolvent Debtor, Podjetje in delo, Nr. 3-4/2008, Pg. 503-528.
- Challenging Legal Acts in Bankruptcy Proceedings (Department of Justice, Preparatory seminar for candidates for administrators in insolvency and compulsory liquidation proceedings, Ljubljana, 2016)
- Legal models of financial restructuring (Department of Justice, Preparatory seminar for candidates for administrators in insolvency and compulsory liquidation proceedings, Ljubljana, 2016)
- European bankruptcy proceeding (Department of Justice, Preparatory seminar for candidates for administrators in insolvency and compulsory liquidation proceedings, Ljubljana, 2016)
- Corporate obstacles of managment board recall (Slovene Certified Supervisors meeting 2015, Ljubljana, 2015)
- Restructuring of HIDRIA (6th Current issues of Insolvency Law, Kranjska Gora, 2015)
- Living in insolvency (6th Current issues of Insolvency Law, Kranjska Gora, 2015)
- A major meeting of NPL and Distressed Debt Buyers, Sellers and Services, Slovenian Block Panelist (NPL Europe conference, London, 2015)
- Restructuring of Cimos, round table moderator (8th Days of Insolvency Law, Portorož, 2015)
- Municipalities indebttedness – Detroit’s bankruptcy (8th Days of Insolvency Law, Portorož, 2015)
- The Amendment Act to the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act – ZFPPIPP (Consulted lawyers, Education center of Bank association of Slovenia,Ljubljana, 2015)
- Financial restructuring of system businesses (Slovenian arbitration conference, Ljubljana, 2014)
- Bankruptcy challenge (Department of Justice, Preparatory seminar fro candidates for bankrupcy administrators, Kranj, 2014)
- European bankruptcy proceeding (Department of Justice, Preparatory seminar fro candidates for bankrupcy administrators, Kranj, 2014)
- Innovations in the field of insolvency legislation (Traditional Days of Tax Advisers RS, Bled, 2014)
- Arbitration opportunities for the settlement of disputes arising from the financial restructuring of the system of enterprises (Slovenian arbitration conference, Ljubljana, 2014)
- Legal models of arbitration restructuring (Slovenian arbitration conference, Ljubljana, 2014)
- Preventive restructuring proceeding, (Judge’s School of Insolvency Law, Čatež, 2014)
- Financial restructuring prior to the insolvency (Slovenian Directors’ Association, Ljubljana, 2014)
- Financial restructuring of enterprises (7th Days of Insolvency Law, Portorož, 2014)
- Takeover of the assets of an insolvency debtor (Lawyers consultation, Portorož, 2014)
- Preventive financial restructuring (Aletheia, Ljubljana, 2014)
- Additions and amendments to the law on financial operations, insolvency proceedings and compulsory dissolution (Consulted lawyers, Education center of Bank association of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2014)
- Changes in bankruptcy law (Official Gazzette of republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2014)
- Significant changes and additions of Amendment act ZFPPIPP-F (Aletheia, Ljubljana, 2013)
- Legal aspects of liability of supervisory board members (SOD, Ljubljana, 2013)
- Takeover of insolvency target with an extrajudicial financial restructuring (Slovenian Lawyers’ Days, Portorož, 2013)
- What is the case-law concerning liability of the members of the management and supervisory boards in Slovenia (Slovenian Directors’ Association, Ljubljana, 2013)
- Significant changes and additions of Amendment act ZFPPIPP-E (Official Gazzette of republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2013)
- The creditors’ takeover of the control over the debtor in the compulsory settlement (6th Days of Insolvency Law, Portorož, 2013)
- Bank guarantees in the insolvency proceedings (4th Current issues of Insolvency Law, Kranjska Gora, 2012)
- Enforcing the Liability of management and supervisory boards at the occurrence of insolvency (Days of Slovenian Lawyers 2012, Portorož 2012)
- Takeover of a corporation outside and during of judicial insolvency proceedings (5th Days of Insolvency Law, Portorož, 2012)
- Legal consequences of adoption of Companies Act 1E (ZGD-1E (Discussion on consequences of adoption of Act amending the Companies Act (ZGD-1E), the Managers’ Association of Slovenia, , Ljubljana, 2011)
- Enforcement of Exclusion Rights out of Court Proceedings (Fourth Days of Civil Law, Portorož, 2011)
- Creditors’ Board (4th Days of Insolvency Law, Portorož, 2011)
- Liability in Damages of Management Board and Supervisory Board Members under Insolvency Laws (4th Days of Insolvency Law, Portorož, 2011)
- Challenging Debtor’s Legal Acts (Attorney’s School 2010, Portorož, 2010)
- Notion and Rights of Damaged Parties in Contemporary Frauds in Banking (Payment) Operations (2nd Criminal Law and Criminology Conference, Bled, 2009)
- Corporate Criminal – Aspect of an Attorney-at-Law (Corporate Criminal – Practical and Theoretical Aspects, Maribor, 2009)
- EU Based Entities and Bankruptcy Proceedings (2nd Days of Insolvency Law, Portorož, 2009)
- Due Diligence of Management and Supervisory Boards’ Members (1st Conference in Criminal Law and Criminology, Portorož, 2008)
“Highly competent’ practice head Uroš Ilić is experienced in privatizations matters.”
Legal 500 2017
“An expert in corporate and financial law with a very strong understanding of economics,” with “the required skills to successfully cover a broad range of cases”Chambers 2016
“Founding partner Uroš Ilic is a highly regarded corporate lawyer with notable expertise in insolvency proceedings. Interviewees consider him “brilliant and highly energetic,” and respect him for “his knowledge and communication skills” and his “excellent abilities” as a team leader.”Chambers 2015

Matjaž Jan
Matjaž Jan
+386 (0) 590 86 604 / +386 (0) 41 352 534
Corporate / M&A
Dispute Resolution
Employment and Benefits
Restructuring and Insolvency
Attorney-at-Law in Slovenia (2006)
English / Slovenian/ Italian / Croatian / Serbian
- The World Justice Project, Rule of law index, Contributing expert (2014)
- Slovenian Bar Association (2005)
World Justice Project Contribution Recognition (2015)
- Regional Head of Dispute Resolution Group (2015)
- Partner, ODI Slovenia (2014)
- Head Corporate Operations, ODI Slovenia (2010-2014)
- Senior Associate, ODI Slovenia (2010-2014)
- Senior Associate, Law Firm Čeferin, Grosuplje, Slovenia (2006-2010)
- Associate, Law Firm Čeferin, Grosuplje, Slovenia (2005-2006)
- Legal Counsel, Ministry of Justice, Department for Preparation of Legislative Acts’ Proposals, Slovenia (2003-2004)
- Judical Trainee, Ljubljana Higher Court, Slovenia (2002-2003)
Legal Counsel, Ministry of Justice, Department Establishing International Reciprocity, Slovenia (1999-2002)
- Slovenian Bar Exam (2004)
- Professional Exam in Administrative Law (2001)
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law (1994-1999))
- Doing Business 2019: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency, World Bank Group publication; Registering Property, October 2018,co-author.
- Doing Business 2018: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency, World Bank Group publication; Registering Property, Pg. 52-55, June 2017, co-author.
- Posting Workers To and From Slovenia, CEE Legal Matters (online), 7 September 2017, co-author.
- Commercial use of unlawful software in Slovenia, CEE LegalMatters (online), 18 August 2017, co-author.
- Slovenian Data Protection, CEE LegalMatters (online), 27 April 2017, co-author.
- Recent developments in IP Law in Slovenia, CEE LegalMatters (online), 18 October 2016, co-author.
- Real Estate Market in Slovenia – The latest trends and developments, CEE Legal Matters (online), 22 June 2016, co-author.
- Novelties in Croatian insolvency legislation, Pravna praksa, Nr. 47/2015, December 3rd 2015, Pg. 14-15.
- Doing Business 2016: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency, World Bank Group publication; Registering Property, Pg. 78-83, Enforcing Contracts, Pg. 91-99, October 2015, co-author.
- Ongoing Privatisation in Croatia; CEE Legal Matters (online), 25 April 2015.
- The implications of the transfer of revalued reserves into share capital, (The Days of Accounting – How to reform the tax system, Portorož, 2016)
- Preventive restructuring proceeding of ACH, (6th Current issues of Insolvency Law, Kranjska Gora, 2015)
- E-enforcement in practice (ways of cutting expenses) – workshop; (Accountants, Treasurers and Auditors Association Domžale-Kamnik, Kamnik 2015)
- Enforcement in practice – effective recovery of monetary claims, Uradni list RS, Ljubljana, 2014
- Acquisition of joint stock companies inside and outside the court insolvency proceedings, (5th Days of Insolvency Law, Portorož, 2012)
- Council of Europe regional project: II. Regional Training Workshop on International and European Judicial Cooperation; »Theoretical and practical aspects of jurisdiction and the recognition of insolvency proceedings«; (EU nad UNCITRAL international cross-border provisions; Beograd, Serbia, 2006)
- Council of Europe regional project: I. Regional Training Workshop on International and European Judicial Cooperation; »Theoretical and practical aspects of jurisdiction and the recognition of insolvency proceedings«; Ohrid, Macedonija, 2005
- Enforcement law together with the basics of the European civil procedure: School of civil procedural law: novelties: EU accession, amendment to the Enforcement and Securing of Civil Claims Act (ZIZ-A), the Law of Property Code (SPZ) and the Land Register Act (ZZK-1), Nebra, Ljubljana 2004
- Regulation regarding the Register of non-possessory pledges, Nebra, Ljubljana 2004
- Enforcement with regard to financial means at payment institutions, Economic operators in the market on the doorstep of the European Union, Institute for Economic Law, 2003
“Matjaž Jan is a go-to Slovenian lawyer for complex corporate matters.”
Legal 500, EMEA 2020

Branko Ilić
Branko Ilić
+386 (0) 590 86 605 / +386 (0) 40 555 007
Banking and Finance
Dispute Resolution
Technology & Communications
Energy & Utilities
Public Sector
Real Estate
- Attorney-at-Law in Croatia (2015)
- Attorney-at-Law in Slovenia (2008)
English / Macedonian / Italian / Croatian / Serbian
- Croatian Bar Association (2015)
- Slovenian Bar Association (2004)
Recognized as a leading lawyer in Slovenia in the field of Banking (IFLR 1000, 2016)
- Head of Italian Desk, ODI Law Firm (2016)
- Regional Head of Real Estate Group, ODI Law Firm (2015)
- Partner, ODI Croatia (2015)
- Partner, ODI Slovenia (2014)
- Head of Civil Law and Real Estate Operations, ODI Slovenia (2010-2014)
- Senior Associate, ODI Slovenia (2010-2014)
- Senior Associate, Law Office Čad, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2008-2009)
- Associate, Law Office Čad, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007-2008)
- Junior Associate, Law Office Čad, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2004-2007)
- Procurator, LAVŠ Ltd. (2001-2004)
- Slovenian Bar Exam (2007)
- Professional Exam in Administrative Law (2006)
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law (1995-2000)
- Doing Business 2019: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency, World Bank Group publication; Registering Property, October 2018,co-author.
- Doing Business 2018: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency, World Bank Group publication; Registering Property, Pg. 52-55, June 2017, co-author.
- Posting Workers To and From Slovenia, CEE Legal Matters (online), 7 September 2017, co-author.
- Commercial use of unlawful software in Slovenia, CEE LegalMatters (online), 18 August 2017, co-author.
- Slovenian Data Protection, CEE LegalMatters (online), 27 April 2017, co-author.
- Recent developments in IP Law in Slovenia, CEE LegalMatters (online), 18 October 2016, co-author.
- Real Estate Market in Slovenia – The latest trends and developments, CEE Legal Matters (online), 22 June 2016, co-author.
- Novelties in Croatian insolvency legislation, Pravna praksa, Nr. 47/2015, December 3rd 2015, Pg. 14-15.
- Doing Business 2016: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency, World Bank Group publication; Registering Property, Pg. 78-83, Enforcing Contracts, Pg. 91-99, October 2015, co-author.
- Ongoing Privatisation in Croatia; CEE Legal Matters (online), 25 April 2015.
“Leading Lawyer in the field of Banking in Slovenia”
IFLR 1000, 2017
“Branko Ilić exceeded our expectations with a very professional attitude; he gave us really prompt answers and unexpected support”Legal 500, EMEA 2020

Tine Mišic, LL.M.
Tine Mišic, LL.M.
+386 (0) 590 86 603 / +386 (0) 70 607 525
Dispute Resolution
Employment and Benefits
Privacy and Data Protection
Public Sector
Real Estate
Attorney-at-Law in Slovenia (2016)
Croatian / English / German / Italian / Serbian / Slovenian
- Slovenian Bar Association (2015)
- State Electoral Commission / II. Unit, Slovenia (2010-2015)
- Country correspondent (Slovenia) for the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (2017)
- Arbitrator (Sports Arbitration) at the European Centre for Dispute Resolution, Ljubljana (Slovenia) (2018)
- Completed LL.M. at Leiden University with “Cum laude” (2015)
- Graduated “Cum laude” in bachelor studies at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law (2010)
- Regional Head of Regulatory & Compliance (2019-)
- Partner, ODI Slovenia (2019)
- Senior Associate, ODI Slovenia (2016)
- Associate, ODI Slovenia (2015)
- Legal Intern, T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague, The Netherlands (2015)
- Judicial Trainee, Koper Higher Court, Slovenia (2013)
- Legal Adviser, Kompas MTS Plc., Ljubljana, Slovenia (2011-2013)
- Legal Adviser, Orka Ltd., Ljubljana, Slovenia (2010-2011)
- Leiden University, Faculty of Law, The Netherlands, LL.M. in European Law (2015)
- T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Netherlands, Summer Programme on Sports Law (2015)
- State Bar Exam, Slovenia (2014)
- Professional Exam in Administrative Procedure, Slovenia (2011)
- University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Faculty of Law (2010)
- Second University of Naples, Faculty of Law, Italy, Exchange Programme (2006-2007)
- Slovenia’s Watchdog Grows Appetite for Gun Jumping Sanctioning in the Agrokor Case, European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe), 2020, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp.314-319
- United Group Case – The Concentration Notification Withdrawal Issue, European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe), 2019, Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp.410-414
- Private Enforcement Novelties Yet to Be Thoroughly Tested in Practice, European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe), 2019, Vol. 3, Issue, pp.52-56
- The Acrimonious Saga of the Slovenian ‘Bail-In’ Unlikely to End with the Proposed New Law, European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRE), 2018, Vol. 1, Issue 4, pp. 348 – 353
- Capital Markets in Slovenia – Early Signs of a Modest Recovery, CEE Legal Matters (online), 4 January 2017, co-author
- Real Estate Market in Slovenia – The latest trends and developments, CEE Legal Matters (online), 22 June 2016, co-author
- The New FIFA Intermediaries Regulations under EU Law Fire in Germany, Asser International Sports Law Blog (online), 12 August 2015
- Policing the Independence of National Federations through the Prism of the FIFA Statutes, Asser International Sports Law Blog (online), 10 July 2015
- Unfolding of an M&A Transaction (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2020)
- Unfolding of an M&A Transaction (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2019)
- Unfolding of an M&A Transaction (Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2019)
- Ban on Third-Party Ownership of Players’ Economic Rights through the Prism of EU Law (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2019)
- Unfolding of an M&A Transaction (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2018)
- Ban on Third-Party Ownership of Players’ Economic Rights through the Prism of EU Law (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2018)
- Unfolding of an M&A Transaction (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2017)
- Ban on Third-Party Ownership of Players’ Economic Rights through the Prism of EU Law (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2017)
- Life of an M&A Transaction (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2016)
“He delivers commercially pragmatic and responsive service.”
IFLR 1000, 2018

Gjorgji Georgievski
Gjorgji Georgievski
+389 (0) 231 31 286 / +389 (0) 71 211 852
Regional Head of TMT Group
Corporate / M&A
Dispute Resolution
Employment and Benefits
Privacy and Data Protection
Technology & Communications
Macedonia Bar
- LL.M. Information Technology & Telecommunications Law, University of Southampton, School of Business and Law
- LL.B. University Saint Cyril and Methodius – Faculty of Law, Skopje, Macedonia
English / Macedonian / Croatian / Serbian

Ana Stojanovska
Ana Stojanovska
+389 (0) 231 31 286 / +389 (0) 71 358 000
Banking and Finance
Corporate / M&A
Employment and Benefits
Energy & Utilities
Public Sector
Real Estate
Macedonia Bar
LL.B., University Saint Cyril and Methodius – Faculty of Law, Skopje, Macedonia
English / Macedonian / Croatian / Serbian

Maša Drkušič
Maša Drkušič
Senior Associate
+386 (0) 590 86 602 / +386 (0) 31 536 186
Dispute Resolution
Banking and Finance
Energy & Utilities
Real Estate
Croatian / English / Italian / Serbian / Slovenian
Slovenian Bar Association (2013)
- Senior Associate, ODI Slovenia (2017)
- Associate, ODI Slovenia (2013)
- Head of Junior Associates, ODI Slovenia (2014-2015)
- Junior Associate, ODI Slovenia (2011-2013)
- Administrative Assistant, Notary office Kos, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2010-2011)
- Administrative Assistant, Law Office Suzana Judež, Vrhnika, Slovenia (2009)
- State Bar Exam, Slovenia (2016)
- Professional Exam in Administrative Procedure, Slovenia (2015)
- University of Nova Gorica, Faculty of Law; Master of Laws (2011-2013)
- University of Nova Gorica, Faculty of Law; Bachelor of Laws (2006-2010)
- Doing Business 2019: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency, World Bank Group publication; Registering Property, October 2018,co-author.
- Doing Business 2018: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency, World Bank Group publication; Registering Property, Pg. 52-55, June 2017, co-author.
- Doing Business 2016: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency, World Bank Group publication; Registering Property, Pg. 78-83, Enforcing Contracts, Pg. 91-99, October 2015, co-author.
- Energy Performance Certificate in Slovenia; CEE Legal Matters (online), 30 April 2015.
- Novelty and use od e-Izvršba and e-Davki applications (International institute of knowledge transfer, Ljubljana 2018)
- Novelty and use od e-Izvršba and e-Davki applications (International institute of knowledge transfer, Ljubljana 2017)
- Novelty and use od e-Izvršba and e-Davki applications (International institute of knowledge transfer, Ljubljana 2016)
“Fast, kind, available and has made no mistakes so far.”
IFLR 1000, 2018

Klemen Eržen, LL.M.
Klemen Eržen, LL.M.
+386 (0) 593 86 633 / +386 (0) 41 440 775
Corporate / M&A
Dispute Resolution
Real Estate
- Queen Mary University of London, School of Law, LL.M. (2018)
- Professional Exam in Administrative Procedure, Slovenia (2016)
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law (2015)
- Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law; Study Exchange (2014)
- Dissertation awarded with “Distinction” (2018)
- Recognition for top performance thesis (2016)
- Graduated “Cum laude” at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law (2015)
English / Croatian / Serbian / Slovenian
- Associate, ODI Slovenia (2019-)
- Associate, Nevenka Tory – Notary Public, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2016-2017)
- Application for entering a procurator in the court register, Pravna praksa, Nr. 14, 6. Apr. 2017, Pg. 8-9.

Đurđica Ilić
Branko Ilić
+ 385 (0) 527 43 020
Dispute Resolution
Public Sector
Real Estate
Attorney-at-Law in Croatia (1995)
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law (1970-1976)
Croatian / English / German / Italian / Serbian
- Partner, ODI Croatia (2014)
- Senior Associate, ODI Croatia (2010)
- Attorney-at-Law, Law Office Ilić, Umag, Croatia (1995)
- Head of Legal Department, Municipality Office Umag, Croatia (1977-1994)

Luka Jesenko, LL.M.
Luka Jesenko, LL.M.
Senior Associate
+386 (0) 593 866 24 / +386 (0) 70 334 733
Dispute Resolution
- State Bar Exam, Slovenia (2016)
- University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, LL.M., International and European Law (2014)
- Professional Exam in Administrative Procedure, Slovenia (2012)
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law, Bachelor of Laws (2006-2011)
- Award of the United Nations Association of Slovenia for Undergraduate thesis (2012)
- Graduated “Cum laude” (2011)
English / German / Croatian / Serbian / Slovenian / Russian
Slovenian Bar Association (2016)
- Senior Associate, ODI Slovenia (2019)
- Associate, ODI Slovenia (2016-2019)
- Judicial Trainee, Ljubljana Higher Court, Slovenia (2012-2015

Milan Stanković
Milan Stanković
+386 (0) 593 86 623 / +386 (0) 40 562 210
Banking and Finance
Dispute Resolution
Restructuring and Insolvency
Bosnian / Croatian / English / German / Serbian / Slovenian / Spanish
- Graduated in Master studies at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law (2020)
- 12th Regional Moot Court Competition in Human Rights 2018 (best-written memorandum award, 1st place in the written part of the competition, 2nd place overall)
- Graduated “Cum laude” in bachelor studies at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law (2018)
- Associate, ODI Slovenia (2020-)
- Junior Associate, ODI Slovenia (2020)
- Legal Intern, ODI Slovenia (2018-2020)
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law; Master of Laws (2018-2020)
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law; Bachelor in Laws (2013-2018)

Eva Hafnar
Eva Hafnar
Legal Intern
+386 (0) 593 86 625 / +386 (0) 31 747 032
Banking and Finance
Dispute Resolution
Corporate / M&A
Restructuring and Insolvency
English / German / Slovenian / Croatian
- Graduated in Bachelor studies at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law (2019)
- Legal Intern, ODI Slovenia (2020)
- Legal Intern, Law firm Šelih & Partners, d.o.o. (2017, 2018)
- University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business; Master of Business and Organization (2019)
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law; Master of Laws (2019)
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law; Bachelor of Laws (2015-2019)

Julija Damjanovič
Julija Damjanovič
Junior Associate
+389 (0) 231 31 286 / +389 (0) 78 394 934
Corporate / M&A
Employment and Benefits
Privacy and Data Protection
Public Sector
Real Estate
English / French / Macedonian
- Macedonia Bar
- Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas – Summer university of Continental Law, Paris, France
- LL.M. in Business Law, University Saint Cyril and Methodius – Faculty of Law, Skopje, Macedonia
- LL.B., University Saint Cyril and Methodius – Faculty of Law, Skopje, Macedonia