ODI Slovenija zaposluje!
Objavljamo naslednja prosta delovna mesta:ODVETNIK ali ODVETNIŠKI KANDIDAT (m/ž)(objava: [...]
Objavljamo naslednja prosta delovna mesta:ODVETNIK ali ODVETNIŠKI KANDIDAT (m/ž)(objava: [...]
ODI Law - Preselili smo se Naša nova pisarna [...]
Odvetniška družba Ilić & Partnerji o.p.d.o.o., k sodelovanju vabi odvetnika [...]
We take great pride to have achieved a significant recognition [...]
We are pleased to announce that ODI Associate, Jasmin Dizdarević, [...]
ECJ provides guidelines regarding blocking of Foreign Direct Investments Background [...]
Who are Digital Nomads? Digital Nomads are, first of all, [...]
Starting on 17 May 2023, the new regulation that prescribes [...]
ODI Partner and Regional Head of Regulatory & Compliance Tine Mišic and Associate Eva Hafnar have co-authored an article in the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe) titled “FDI Screening Overview: More Clarity on the Horizon.”
“From Mobile Phones to Court“ (FORMOBILE), a project funded by EU’s Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme, focuses on questions mainly evolving around modern technology (i.e. smartphones) and usage of data, held on various devices, in court.