ODI Slovenija zaposluje!
VODJA PISARNE (m/ž) (objava: 14. 11. 2024) Nudimo: • delovno [...]
VODJA PISARNE (m/ž) (objava: 14. 11. 2024) Nudimo: • delovno [...]
Odvetniška družba Ilić & Partnerji o.p.d.o.o., k sodelovanju vabi odvetnika [...]
We take great pride to have achieved a significant recognition [...]
ECJ provides guidelines regarding blocking of Foreign Direct Investments Background [...]
Who are Digital Nomads? Digital Nomads are, first of all, [...]
Starting on 17 May 2023, the new regulation that prescribes [...]
We are incredibly proud to announce that we have been [...]
Regardless of the turn of the year, it is busy days in the ODI family, and we are very proud to announce that Primož Mikolič has joined the firm’s partnership, with Branko Ilić and Matjaž Jan promoted to Senior Partners.
With the firm’s “cross-border expertise” and “its excellent ability to handle transactional matters” highlighted, ODI has maintained its elite Tier 1 status in the Legal 500 2020 EMEA edition. Building upon a tradition of over 33 years,
“From Mobile Phones to Court“ (FORMOBILE), a project funded by EU’s Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme, focuses on questions mainly evolving around modern technology (i.e. smartphones) and usage of data, held on various devices, in court.